Welcome to the Dueling Prophetz emcee battle ground. Where the urban poets are locked in lyrical grapples, as they battle for nothing but the pleasure of crushing a lesser emcee under a bone splintering set of quips and metaphors.
We'd appreciate it if we could keep this page 'gangsta' and 'playa' free. I dont care about your riches. "Yall aint welcome here! get offa mah property!"
Real Hip Hoppers, you know who you are. Much Props.
We are stillm essing with this page, so if you want to enter a battle, you have to mail us at the moment! Patience!
But now....you must put on the cloak, pick up your staff, and head for the flames of battle.
1st, check the burning scroll for the rules and how we are running this.
Then, pull down your hood and step through the fire to sign up
Then, when youre hooked up with a battle, we'll notify you, and you send in your verse.
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If you have any questions,
or just want to give your pathetic whimpering excuses
why you dont want to enter, (e.g you're to scared/weak) then